+387 33 659 442 info@mpslab.ba

What’s new in Metrohm?

This year we proudly present the wholea series of novelties in our program. OMNIS, oursuniversal platform for laboratory analyses,now it can also perform spectroscopy, makingatmosphere in the laboratory even more pleasant. Find out our new near-infrared spectrometers for quick measurement of your most important parameters quality in just a few seconds! You can discover this and much more on the following pages; let us inspire you and feel free to contact us – we look forward to hearing from you.

For more information click on LINK



Contact us for more informations:

MPSlab d.o.o.
A: Generala Mehmeda Alagića 2/PR, 71000, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Phone: +387 33 659 442

E-mail: info@mpslab.ba